Wellbeing crosses the three years of Junior cycle and builds on substantial work already taking place in schools in support of students’ Wellbeing. The main subjects connected to enhancement of this core theme are SPHE ( Social Personal Health Education ) and CSPE ( Civic, Social, Political Education and PE (Physical Education). This area of learning makes the school’s culture and ethos and commitment to wellbeing visible to students. It provides learning opportunities to enhance the physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing of students. It supports students in developing important life skills and in building a strong sense of connectedness to their school and to their community.
You can access a copy of the Whole School Wellbeing Policy by clicking on the image to the left or by accessing the full list of the school's policies on our policies page.
Ms Carolyn Cavey is a maths and science teacher and holds an Assisstant Principal 2 role with the responsibility for Wellbeing Coordination. . The Wellbeing programme extends to all facets of school life and is consideration for wellbeing is included in all activities and subjects. Numerous Wellbeing specific events take place throughout the academic year.
The concept of Wellbeing must be systemic throughout the school, in our learning, experiences and care for each other. Along with many activities from School Sport, Trips, Music, Fund raising, Clubs , we also will take topics to highlight throughout the school Year.
Wellbeing is cross-curricular, the themed weeks have involved different Departments in the school ( RE, CSPE,SPHE, Visual Arts, Music, Languages, PE, Home Economics, Science)
Bringing ideas and activities to these themes, through collaboration.
In addition to this Amber Flag are significantly involved in Mental Health Week ,Green Schools, GSA club with Diversity Week - these clubs are TY student lead.
Overall the Aim is to enable the students of St.Davids Holy Faith to develop the 6 Wellbeing Indicators: Activeness, Responsibility, Connectedness, Resilience, Respectfulness,and Awareness
Key Wellbeing Events 23/24
Friendship hands made by First years
Hands of friendship hung on tree upon Alter for Whole School Mass
Art Competition - Caps with Friendship Theme
Poetry competition ' Friendship'
SPHE classes on Bullying and Friendship
Bullying workshops - Sticks and Stones
Whole School Mass
Curricular Friendship Theme
Mental Health
World Mental Health Day ( Green Ribbons donated by Seachange for Awareness of Mental Health Stigma - given to all classes throughout School by Amber Flag Committee)
Meditation Tutorial coordinated by Amber Flag
First Year Quiz on Mental Health - Amber Flag Committee
Lunch time Music - Featuring young talented Musicians in School coordinated by the Music Department
Wings Art Installation- Feathers with quotes from all year groups coordinated by Art Department
Gratitude Wall coordinated by TY and RE Department
Staff Swim in Cove, early morning dip
LGBTIQA+ Club (GSA) handing out rainbow badges to all classes and teachers
Language Departments making posters in Spanish, French, Irish with vocabulary to include all types of Diversity.
SPHE classes covering topics related to Gender Stereotyping and Discrimination, Sexual identity and Oreintation.
Solidarity Wall - words of support for LGBTIA plus community
As I Am - Adam Harris visiting school to discuss ASD (neorodiversity)
Posters of World Religions coordinated by RE Dept
Lessons on Freedom from discrimination- disability, age,gender,race, traveller, religion, sexual orientation, family status, civil status - First Years coordinated by CSPE Dept
Shout out Speakers on Sexual Oreintation to 3rd years
Speaker from IRFU on Sexual Discrimination in Sport
Rainbow Day Fundraiser in aid of BELONG2 (support and counseling for LGBTIQIA+)
Humour fit Workshop
Alcohol Workshops
Drug abuse workshops
Visit from Al-Anon, Local Guards
Seniors students ‘ Know your limits’ HSE module to be covered in TY classes
Lesson Plans in all SPHE classes on Substance Use - Drugs, Smoking, Vaping, Alcohol and its Effects
Poster Competition and Surveys - more details to follow
Healthy Eating Workshops
Food Tasting coordinated by Home Economics Department
Class Tutorial - Yoga workshop
SPHE classes on Healthy Eating, Sport and Sleep
Celebrity Cooking Demo
Sports Day coordinated by PE Department