Digital Teaching and Learning
St.David's has been awarded a European Digital Schools Award . The award recognises St David's Holy Faith Secondary School excellence in the following areas:
Leadership - Mentor, Collaboration and Networking, Infrastructure and Equipment, Continuing Professional Development, Teaching and Learning Assessment, Student Digital Competence, SELFIE
St David's Holy Faith Secondary School is among the first to achieve this accolade which is a testament to the great work taking place across the whole school to improve digital skills among teachers and pupils.

Ms Lorna Wilson is a Maths and Science Tweacher and holds and Assistant Principal 1 post as Digital Teaching and Learning and IT Coordinator.
If your son/daughter has any questions relating to IT usage, they should first contact their tutor who will in turn raise the issue with Ms Wilson
St David's Holy Faith Secondary School has an excellent IT and Digital Learning infroastructure and Digital Learning is a component in all classrooms on a daily basis. All students and subject departments have access to the schools IT resources. The school utilises a broad range of software and hardward for a wide variety of both curricular and extracurricular activites. Its current physical IT infrastructure includes digital projectors in every room, classroom PCs for teachers' use, 60 iPads for classroom curricular activities, 30 Chromebooks and 20 laptops.
As a result of the school's extensive refurbishment and renovation, we now boast a state of the art computer science lab - in preparation for the adoption of the new Computer Science subject for Senior Cycle students. The school also retains its Design and Communication computer room containing PCs used for CAD work and other design by the DCG, Engineering and Art departments.
Students are offered computer certification courses in Transition Year.
St David's Holy Faith, Greystones uses the Google Educational and Communication suite for all staff and students. When students enroll in the school they are provided with a username and password that will allow them to access the school's PCs, chromebooks and iPads.
Students will also be issued with an email address and password for educational purposes. The students email address, ending in '@daltai.stdavids.ie' can be used to log in to the school's Google Suite from any device, anywhere in the world. Students may find Gmail, Google Drive, Google Forms and Google Classroom or particular use. Google Classrooms are update by individual subject teachers and may contain notes, assignments and supporting material.
Students and parents can access information about the use of the different Google Suite programmes by clicking here
Google Classroom is available to download as an app on the Google Playstore for android and The App Store of ios. Alternatively, it can be accessed on any PC or laptop device here.
You can access a copy of the school's Digital Learning and Acceptable Usage Policy by clicking on the image to the left or by accessing the full list of the school's policies on our policies page
All of our students receive training on the use of the school's digital infrastructure and learning platform during their induction. This year, training workshops were designed and implemented as a student led initiave by the Google Suite Committee. The committee was comprised of Transition Year students who delivered the training to 1st year students on the use of Google Slides, Docs, Drive and Gmail. They ran a small competition for the best submissions of a project. This required evidence of learning in these areas. The students extended the training to local primary schools towards the end of the year. For their efforts in improving the school community and their display of leadership skills the students were awarded the Winners' Prize in the Group Category of the Wicklow Garda Youth Awards.