The first whole school assembly of 2023/24 took place on Thursday the 14th of September. The new deputy head boy Matthew Lawless and head girl Lisa Garcia opened up the assembly with two prayers, following speeches from the student liaison team. The 6 members of the team gave us interesting information about themselves and their achievements within the school and outside of it. The goal of their speeches was to encourage students to go to them if they ever need a helping hand or any advice and to not hesitate giving them a shout.
We then moved to sport, Mr. Dunne was very positive and pleased with the amount of people who had signed up for the sports and art programmes. A total number of 509 students and 31 teachers have all volunteered this year, beating the school’s goal by a lot, which is great to see. Mr. Davies, the Deputy Principal, then gave us information on the open night, asking students to get involved by giving parents tours around the new school building.
Finally Ms. Murphy talked about the TY musical. The auditions took place last week and there are over 60 cast members in the play. The musical is set to take place from the 28th of February to the 1st of March. The school assembly was a great success, starting the year off nicely!
Photographs by Charlotte Hudson (4th Year)
Report by Dylan Gleeson (4th Year)