Seachtain na Gaeilge took place in our school this week. A huge range of different activities took place for the different year groups.
1st years played bingo and participated in different games.
2nd year got to participate in an Irish quiz.
3rd years did a ceili in the dining hall, as well as the TYs and the 6th Years.
TYs also got to take part in seo bóthar, promoting Irish as a job and language, and the importance of Irish in modern day life.
5th years watched Róise and Frank
6th years took part in a ceilí. In the foyer there was a seanfhocail of the day and an Irish word of the day. It was a really successful week, and hopefully everyone is speaking a little bit more Irish in their daily lives.
The grand finale of the week was a real treat organised by Ms Woods and the Irish Department. Ms Woods brought in her husband and three children and they amazed all of the staff and students with some traditional Irish dancing, song and music. It was an incredible experience and one that we'd like to thank them so much for.
Report by: Kate Macadam
Photographs By: Lucy Coyle