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TY Alpha Programme Talk

TY students were invited to the Dining Hall where they received a talk from their local priests about their Alpha programme.

On the 14th of September, the TY students were invited to a talk in the Dining Hall. The students listened to a talk about Alpha, which is a 9 week course on Christian faith. It is an informal opportunity that gives students the chance to discuss their faith, thoughts and opinions in small groups over a meal or some food. Fr. Gerard and Fr. John, both members of Alpha and local priests, presented the talk. As part of the talk, the students played a game called 'Heads or Tails' and the lucky winner received a chocolate bar. The students also watched a short video that explained what Alpha is. As a result, the students gained great insights and hopefully were inspired to sign up and partake in the programme. The talk and game were thoroughly enjoyed by all and we thank Fr. Gerard and Fr. John for coming along.

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