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TY Trip to Glendalough

On Thursday the 15th of September, our fantastic TY students set out on a day trip to Glendalough, where they completed the infamous Sphinx hike.

All TY students travelled to Glendalough for their first school excursion of the year (and their second school excursion ever due to Covid disruptions) on September 15th, thanks to the efforts of Ms. Courtney the TY coordinator. At nine in the morning, the students and seven of their teachers set out for the national park, where they completed the challenging journey.

After a two hour climb to the top, up by Poulanass Waterfall, the TYs were rewarded with stunning views of the valley and a much-needed break as our two fabulous student photographers were busy at work capturing the scenery.

Once they had some food, they began the long walk down the mountain. The sights of the stunning upper lake, as they descended, had everyone awe-struck and the encouraging words of some kind passers-by kept them motivated!

After another two hours, they finally reached the bottom, where they treated themselves to well-deserved chips and ice cream. They arrived back at the school just as it finished for the day at 15:35.

Overall, the day was a great start to the academic school year and was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

There was much excitement in the dining hall as students gathered into their assigned groups before getting onto the buses.

Everyone's workout was completed for the day after climbing these hills! Our photographers even spotted wild deer not far off the trail.

Some amazing posing done by both students and teachers alike!

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