On Tuesday the 28th of March, all TYs went to Russborough House in Russellstown, Co. Wicklow.
They arrived at the school for 8.15am and departed St. David's at 8.30am on the bus. When they arrived they were immediately split into groups and began their fun-filled day of activities.
They got involved in outdoor activities such as team building puzzles, a 100m zipline, archery, a climbing wall, a harnessed above ground obstacle course, learning to light fires and canoeing together.
The bushcraft activity got them to collect stick or twigs from around them and use them to create a fire with cotton wool and Vaseline. Once they made a fire, marshmallows were passed around and they all gathered around and roasted them! Throughout the team building exercises, each group had to work together to solve the puzzle. It certainly was not as easy as it looked!
It was a fun day out for all TYs and most definitely one of the highlights of their TY experience!