As a Catholic School, significant days within the Christian calendar are always very important to us. We held our monthly whole school assembly on Wednesday, 22nd of February, where we celebrated Ash Wednesday and were graced with the presence of local priest, Fr John. While Mr Carey opened up the assembly addressing all staff and students and giving notices on upcoming events, as well as welcoming our TY French exchange students, we then calmly listened to Fr John as he spoke about the ashes and what they mean. Readings were given about the ashes by students from each year group and all students who then wished to receive ashes on their foreheads then lined up and were blessed before returning to their seats.
It was a way for us not only to come together as a school community and rejoice, but also a way to show respect to our school's faith, whether each student and staff member follow it or not, by celebrating this day with one another.