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Transition Year Graduation - May 2024

Transition Years, their families and staff gathered in the Sports Arena for their Graduation Ceremony and exhibition this week. Organised by Ms Courtney, the Transition Year Coordinator, the fun filled evening involved speeches from school senior management, their Year Head, Ms Courtney and Mr Ryan, their Year Head.

Each student was presented with a pack that contained certificates for all of their achievements working on school committees, programmes and events over the year.

The evening drew to a close as Rhiannon and Finn debuted their year long project of passion - The Transition Year Documentary - a 10 minute short documentary that chronicled all of the fun time that the TYs had over the last year.

Afterward, the students and their familes gathered with some light refreshment to view all of the students' individual tables that contained visual representations of their year.

Overall, it was a fun filled and uplifting event.

TY students headed home for an early night after the long day in reparation for their final trip to Emerald Park. Next week they will complete Transistion Year with one final week of work experience.

We would like to wish them every good wish for a safe and enjoyable summer and thank each and everyone of them for their hard work, good humour and incredible contributions to the school community since September 2023.

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