Yesterday, the 12th of December, the St David’s Transition Year students embarked on an exciting journey to Dundrum. They departed the school around 9:10 and piled onto the buses waiting for them outside. Luckily traffic was light so the journey only took a half an hour. When they arrived, they walked from the car park to the shopping center and were given just over two hours of free time! Some students went shopping, others bought Christmas presents and most ordered lunch from McDonalds and KFC.
At precisely 12:15 the students gathered outside the cinema and had their attendance taken. Once everyone was accounted for they walked to the ice rink which was less than three minutes away. Once the students arrived they received and put on their fabulous orange ice skates. At 1 o'clock the rink opened and the TYs eagerly began to skate, however, it's fair to say everyone got off on a wobbly start!
They stayed on the ice for 50 minutes, for some, most of this time was spent on the ground! The penguin helpers were particularly useful for the beginners - every single one was in use. It was clear that some people had previous experience as they were gliding around the rink with confidence and ease. The only teacher brave enough to skate was Mr. Timlin, but I would imagine the others had a good few laughs watching the students fall! By the end of the session it was clear that the students were improving dramatically. After the slot was over the students handed back their skates and gathered their belongings.
At the end of the day the TY students boarded the buses exhausted, bruised and broke but delighted with all the fun they had! A massive thank you to all the teachers who accompanied them for another amazing day out!
Reporter: Ella Tidd
Photographer: Saoirse Crean Nic Oireachtaigh